Persuasive Essay On Death Penalty

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The Death Penalty should be enforced for more crimes other than Murder and Gang related activities. The Death Penalty should be notice in the Constitution and it should be used for more charges like Rape of a Minor, Murder of a Police Officer, Involved in a Gang Shooting, and Terrorist Attacks . The Death Penalty should also be used for killing of a family member. Inmates that get the Death Penalty should not be placed on Death Row for more than 5 years. If an Inmate gets a life sentence they should not be able to get parole unless there 70 years of age or older. People that were in the Military that commit a crime that involves a life sentence should go to a Mental Facility instead of being in a penitentiary for the rest of their life. There is 41 codes of the Death Penalty

Murder related to the smuggling of aliens
Destruction of aircraft, motor vehicles, or related facilities resulting of death
Murder committed during a drug-related drive by shooting
Murder committed at an airport serving international civil aviation
Retaliatory murder of a member of the immediate family of law enforcement officials
Civil rights offenses
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If there was a law that states that if an inmate got the death penalty they have a chance to go out and go to the military and fight for the country or be executed. If that was a law I would approve of that law. If an inmate didn’t choose to fight for their country and there case was closed the inmate should get 30 days on death row to say their goodbyes, but if the inmate is placed on death row and their case is still ongoing than they should get 5 years on death row. I would like to argue about a police officer shooting someone behind their back. I think that if the suspect has a weapon and point’s the weapon at the police officer and runs away I think that the officer should have the right to shoot the suspect. I also believe that the death penalty should be legal in all states instead of 31

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