Coach said us that we were going to practice a little bit before she started talks, so I pulled up my black knee-pads we started hitting. I got more nervous as each minute went by. Every time I saw my friend Claire I said “I'm not going to make it!” but each …show more content…
She was talking to people that needed to leave early, first. After she was done with the players that she needed to get out of the way she started up the list. Yes, up, so she was going Z-A and it felt like the longest time in my life. There was a plethora of girls there and I didn't know if I would make it. As each girl came out I started to realize that if you had a sheet of paper in your hand that meant you made it. As Coach talked to the girls I would look over to see their facial expressions. Some girls looked somber and heartbroken while others looked ecstatic and jubilant. The anticipation was eating away at me and I couldn't stand it. My mind kept saying to me “You aren't going to make it, you aren't going to make it!” I was trying so hard to think positive and push the thought out of my mind but it kept coming back. After two of my friends made it I started to gain some confidence. Not too much that I was unprepared to hear bad news if it came my way though.