Personal Narrative: Killing The Big One

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“Killing the Big One” It was just any ordinary day in January and deer season was in full swing. We had been hunting hard all season and I was still yet to get my first ever deer. I was being patient though and not trying to rush things because even at the sight of deer my heart would start pounding out of my chest! My dad would always remind me “You just have to breath and stay calm then aim at the front shoulder and squeeze the trigger.” I would always live by this because so many older and wiser men have told me the same thing that have killed monster bucks in their lifetime. I actually just got to where I would go hunting because the noise of the guns would hurt my ears and I would just always sit at home and never get to feel the rush that I feel …show more content…
I got home tried out the new bullets and they shot perfect in my gun and I just knew today was going to be the day something hit the ground! It was around 3:30 or four when we headed over there. I did not even get a chance to get in my stand that evening because the deer were already on the move. Two does were coming across the field right behind my aunt and uncle's house. They were about 100 yards out and my uncle and dad said it was as good a time as any to take the shot because they thought I was comfortable where I was. Turns out I was not comfortable in the slightest I was having to crouch down and prop on the rail on the porch and it was just all a mess from the start! I surely did not want to disappoint them and miss but from where I was if I were to move they would run and we may never had seen them again. I got as good and settled in as I could. I flicked the gun off safety heart thumping away, adrenaline already rushing as if I had killed a record buck for Mississippi. I was remembering in the back of my mind just what my dad had always taught me since I started hunting and shooting guns all together. The gun went off BOOM! The deer literally stood

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