Personal Narrative: How High School Changed My Life

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Growing up I always dreamed of being a college football player and making it big. I thought it would all come so easy until I entered high school. My grades started dropping, I started getting into more trouble, but I did meet an amazing girl through all of it. High school changed my whole outlook on life. I can take all the lessons I learned throughout the past few years and use them to help guide me through life and make me want to always try my best at anything I do or have to do. These have been such memorable years to me that I will never forget as I grow. I wouldn’t change my experience for anything because I’ve learned and grown so much in the few years I’ve been in high school.

In the beginning I thought high school wasn’t an important part of my life. I was just focused on football and goofing off. During the first couple of years my grades weren’t all that good. I was failing tests and not turning in my homework. I didn’t realize how much that had an effect on me. My coach started to not let me play in games or even get any practice in because my grades were so bad and my teachers were complaining. I never thought that just because I didn’t turn homework in or study that it would affect me playing football. I started to realize that I needed to man up and start to try more and put effort in school more than I did in football. I knew I could do better if I actually listened I would’ve been able to get way better grades, because when I did try I was getting A’s and B’s on just about everything I did turned in to my teachers. I also started getting into a lot of trouble during high school. I got into a few fights over things that could’ve been settled with just a simple talk. During class I would just talk to friends or be on my phone instead of listening to the teachers. I was always getting sent to the office or getting write ups from my teachers. I did not realize how much I was hurting my own education and making it harder on myself. My coach would always try talking to me and encourage me by sending texts or giving me advice on things I had no idea how to handle by myself. His words would actually help a lot and I would start doing better. Then after a while I would start getting into trouble again. Nothing anybody said or told me was going to make me change
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Her name is Sheri. We have been dating for almost two years now. When we did go to school together we were always getting into trouble with each other. We were always playing around by throwing paper at each other or making each other laugh and the teachers would get mad because we were distracting each other from listening and learning. So we had to talk and try to figure out a way to not distract each other so we wouldn’t get into any serious trouble because we both want each other to pass all our classes. Now that we are both at separate schools we are both at separate schools we are able to make sure we aren’t distracting one another to do our bests. She’s always making sure I try one hundred percent all the time in school and I do the same with

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