This bulletin board is entitled “College 101.” The residents learned what to do and what not to do in college. For example, one of the tips on the bulletin board was, "DO GET INVOLVED ON CAMPUS – Becoming involved in student organizations at Otterbein will add an important dimension to your life. In addition to having a lot of fun, you will make new friends, contribute to important causes and learn new skills. Our numerous student organizations offer many opportunities beyond the classroom that will introduce you to new experiences, build communication and leadership skills and instill a pride in your campus community.…
1. Find out the numbers that has the greatest value a) 5.3 b) 4.99 c) 5.198 d) 5.04896 Children should have the ability to compare, order ad represent decimals (11, ACMNA105). The correct answer for the above question is 5.3. Some of the misconceptions could be: some students may choose 4.99, with the misconception that 99 is the highest number, without considering the whole number, in which 4 is less than 5.…
During my high school years my experiences have been positive and diverse. Freshman year I joined marching band. Sophomore year I began working and earning my own money. High school has taught me much about myself, others, and community. I have found that lifelong learning is key to personal growth and success.…
One of the many things I got asked when getting ready to go to college is “why a Liberal Arts University?” for a long time I didn't even know the difference, well now I do. A Liberal Arts University is a college that offers a broad range of subjects including math, science, history, philosophy, languages, and literature. Many non-liberal arts universities only offer your basics then your straight into your major specific classes. One thing I believe is the best thing about getting a liberal arts education is you have to take a little bit of every subject.…
Year 8, was it easy or was it something you would not like to remember. Well, here are ten tips to make year nine something to remember. 1. Be On time There's nothing worse than being late to class and then being asked to stay in after class.…
From the time a five-year-old steps into their first day of kindergarten till the day they graduate from college, they will hear “you are our future, our next generation, the people who will change things” from elder ones. If the next generation is our future, would that consider a senior in high school to be more valuable than a senior in college in society? If the new generation will bring more excellence, knowledge, and a different outlook to the way things are to insure a better tomorrow, the youngest would hold the most worth. In high school, seniors are the ones who rule the school, and is believed that they will be our next line of doctors who will find a cure for cancer or save our planet from global warming.…
Category #1, graduate high school: The objective is fairly simple, pass all classes and then a high schooler receives his or her diploma. The way that society works within high schools is much different than the objective. The specific process that administrators require students to do in high school are much more than of what many high schoolers can handle. Administrators require unnecessary information for students to learn which causes stress, headaches, and sleepless nights. The side effects of all of the unnecessary knowledge results in health complications.…
College Writing And Reading For The Incoming Freshman The transition between High School and University writing can be challenging to the ill-prepared student. In high school we might have gotten great feedback from teachers about our work: “great job”, “very good” etc, but in college our professors might comment differently most likely because they are searching for something different in college writing. Most often because professors expect a different style of writing than that of a high school class, such as a more developed opinion on the subject rather than a summary of what you researched. The most significant differences are visible in structure, research, argument, and format. In college writing, we move away from the standard…
During my eighth grade year I had gone through changes that I never thought I would. I let my guard down and allowed someone to absolutely destroy me emotionally. I started to hurt myself physically and for years I would continue to believe that everything was my fault. Constantly staying up late always wondering why I would ever let anyone or even anything make me feel the way I did. I felt horrible and as if I were a horrible person.…
My summer is not going to be like any ordinary summers. I’m going to prepare myself for my senior year, and take FLVS courses. My goal over the summer is to complete two online courses and study the ACT. I’m also going to work my two part-time jobs to save money for college and a car. I am going to visit performing art schools in Florida and explore some online.…
The mind is a garden that requires cultivation, and that is why I aspire to attend a liberal arts college. I fervently believe that liberal arts colleges teach people how to think because they require their students to take courses outside of their intended major. I want to be in an environment that pushes me to think conceptually and without censor. For most of my high school career, it has also been my dream to experience life outside of North Carolina. I have ventured out of North Carolina three times, two of which I was accompanied by familiar faces, but last October I was awarded a travel scholarship to visit Brandeis University just outside of Boston.…
Senior Year My greatest memory so far in my eighteen years of being on this earth is without a doubt my senior year of high school. It was absolutely unforgettable. My senior year as a whole (which was just last year) was the most fun I’ve ever had in my life and the happiest I have ever been. When I was a chubby little freshman with glasses I thought to myself that high school would be one of the longest time periods of my life and that four years would feel like forty years. But man was I wrong, high school went by in the blink of an eye.…
Bonfires, punch bowls, food fights- these are just some of the ideas that flaunt my mind when I think of high school, and I don't think i'm alone in saying that we all envisioned the fanciful hallways decked with school regalia, just like Disney channel led us to believe. Only upon entering ninth grade did we all discover our idealistic, American high school to be but a dream and to only appear in movies. Are these ideas that impossible? Has school spirit become a relic of the past or did ever even happen? Upon being apart of a simulated press conference, individuals featuring the BOE members, special needs teachers, and various others, discussed what we, as students can approve upon in our school.…
My senior paper is something I will always remember. It is something I will always remember because it is about three of my favorite things: kids, learning, and being excited. This paper includes techniques, experiences, and ways you personally can help young students be excited about learning. This paper starts off with what was known before research and questions that will hopefully be answered through research.…