As we get to the venue, we headed to the practice room, there are 3 other teams in there all just as focused as us, all shooting for one goal. We step out on the marley flooring we get to dancing. 5 minutes on the flooring. 5 minutes to get used to turning, jumping, and doing whatever else we do. The buzzer went off and we were forced to leave the practice floor. We head back stage. We started praying and having our moments. Holding each others hands. The hands of my 15 best-friends. We do our pre-performance rituals, one of them, we call it “going to church” because our coach preaches to us making us laugh and finally relaxing us. As we finish up with our coaches, they are forced to go in to the audience, and we are pushed in to the stage door. We set in first formation. The team before us exited the floor. My captain yelled out “5 6 7 8!” we all stomped with our right foot and we marched on to stage. The lights were blinding. You couldn’t see a thing in the audience. “5 6 7 8!” she yelled again. We were set. I remember sitting on the stage and thinking “Am I really about to do this? This is crazy”, I always tell people if they knew what it was like to dance, they would do it too. As all of these thoughts are running through my mind the music has already started and my body just does the motions for me without me having to think about them. Hitting every single move perfectly, knowing my teammates are doing the same, and just thinking to myself, this is what I live for this is my passion. Hitting that last move with all the power I had left in me. I was proud of how I did, I was proud of my team. I barely was able to walk down the stairs to exit the stage. We all catch our breath and the water works start. We were a big hot mess. We were all standing in a circle telling each other how we thought we did, when our coaches came over with the BIGGEST smile I've seen on any of their faces. They told us it was the best performance we’ve ever done and that they were proud of us. Because of moments like these I appreciate what my coaches do for me. You don’t realize what they really do for you until you take a step back and look at the whole picture. “AWARDS!” one of my teammates yells. We
As we get to the venue, we headed to the practice room, there are 3 other teams in there all just as focused as us, all shooting for one goal. We step out on the marley flooring we get to dancing. 5 minutes on the flooring. 5 minutes to get used to turning, jumping, and doing whatever else we do. The buzzer went off and we were forced to leave the practice floor. We head back stage. We started praying and having our moments. Holding each others hands. The hands of my 15 best-friends. We do our pre-performance rituals, one of them, we call it “going to church” because our coach preaches to us making us laugh and finally relaxing us. As we finish up with our coaches, they are forced to go in to the audience, and we are pushed in to the stage door. We set in first formation. The team before us exited the floor. My captain yelled out “5 6 7 8!” we all stomped with our right foot and we marched on to stage. The lights were blinding. You couldn’t see a thing in the audience. “5 6 7 8!” she yelled again. We were set. I remember sitting on the stage and thinking “Am I really about to do this? This is crazy”, I always tell people if they knew what it was like to dance, they would do it too. As all of these thoughts are running through my mind the music has already started and my body just does the motions for me without me having to think about them. Hitting every single move perfectly, knowing my teammates are doing the same, and just thinking to myself, this is what I live for this is my passion. Hitting that last move with all the power I had left in me. I was proud of how I did, I was proud of my team. I barely was able to walk down the stairs to exit the stage. We all catch our breath and the water works start. We were a big hot mess. We were all standing in a circle telling each other how we thought we did, when our coaches came over with the BIGGEST smile I've seen on any of their faces. They told us it was the best performance we’ve ever done and that they were proud of us. Because of moments like these I appreciate what my coaches do for me. You don’t realize what they really do for you until you take a step back and look at the whole picture. “AWARDS!” one of my teammates yells. We