I could feel the cold rush of air hit my face like I was putting my face in a hair/hand dryer, as the ride went up and down, side to side, upwards and backwards.
It was summer 2015, when my mom, my Mimi (grandma), my brother Demetrius, and me where at Michigan Avengers. We had a hour until we had to go.
“Mom can i go on the Thunder Hawk” I asked my mom.
“All by yourself?” She questioned.
“Ya I’ll be fine, I promise” I told her.
“I guess” she said.
“Thank you mom” I said giving her a hug.
I ran to the ride thinking the line was going to be huge, but when I got there there were only 5 people in line. I hope I like it. I thought to myself. About 5 minutes later I was next in line. When the other people got of