Orlando Narrative

Improved Essays
Truth Essay- The Time I Performed In Orlando

This is a story about my trip to Orlando in May of this year. Before I begin, I will provide you with some background regarding how I ended up going there. From an early age, I have been interested in drama. I loved going to see plays, where alternate realities would form and come to life onstage, whisking the audience into a different world. It exhilarated me, and I wanted to be a part of it. However, I was not able to get involved in the theater arts until fifth grade, because my too-small-to-even-have-a-hospital community did not offer an acting program. When I was in sixth/seventh grade,my mom found that a new theater arts program had come to Eureka. It was called Nitsch Theatre Arts (NTA),
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My sister, my mom, and I all got up very early on a crisp Thursday morning, and drove to the airport. We went through security, which was very fast because we were the only ones there, waited for a bit at the terminal, then boarded the plane. As our jet slowly accelerated into takeoff, I recall feeling very excited to be going to Orlando, but also quite nervous for the upcoming performance. We flew for a couple hours, then had a short layover, then we flew a little more. With a whoosh and a bump, our plane finally landed in Orlando, Florida. We met up with the rest of the group at the airport, and we rented a three vans to carry us all. Then, we went to the hotel, got unpacked, and went to Disneyworld. Disney was a lot of fun, because it had been forever since I’d last visited. I thought it was cool to see how the different rides and attractions had changed since I’d last been there, and I loved revisiting old favorites. I rode Space Mountain lots of times, had a lot of laughs in the Monsters Inc. attraction, and went to ride It’s a Small World and Thunder Mountain. We stayed at Disney for a long time, and went back to the hotel at around midnight.
The next day, Friday, we all went to Disney again. This time, we went to all of my favorite places; Epcot, the Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, and the Rockin’ Roller Coaster. I had so much fun, especially at Epcot, where I tried food from almost every country. I also rode Spaceship Earth, which is one of my favorite Disney rides. The whole day was so much fun, and we got to skip a lot of the lines because one of the chaperones (the choreographer’s fiance) had a hurt foot and had to be in a wheelchair. His foot did not inhibit him too much though, because he still rode every single ride with

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