No Homework Policy

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In Jodi Meltzer Darter’s very direct and informative Huffington Post article “No Homework Policy Lets Elementary School Kids Be Kids”, Darter informs the reader that before her children's school changed to a ‘No Homework Policy’, her children would get off the bus and immediately start an hours worth of homework. She acknowledged that she has always been a critic of the demands of elementary school children. Darter then goes into details, explaining that her kids don’t really get the chance to expel their energy during school other than the 20 minute recess. Because of the ‘No Homework Policy’ now implemented at her children's school, Darter then concludes that her children have better grades, they have the chance to be who they want to be, …show more content…
The author, who is also a parent herself, wants her audience to understand her dramatic shift in her life, as well as the dramatic shift in the lives of her children. While adding her personal experiences she gives first hand evidence on how her claims support her overall factor. The author tries to establish a common ground for her audience by adding a situation that most of her audience can relate to; which is the scenario when her kids are coming home from school, and she has to start getting them to do their homework. What limits the effect of this article includes the lack of studies, that prove the point the author is trying to convey. The only experience that the author provides is her own. The examples the authors conveys are relevant, however the amount of evidence the author presents is weak. Can having a no homework Policy really allow kids to be kids and improve …show more content…
I think that being a student myself and understanding the struggles of having to do homework on a daily basis is really what intrigued me in this article. Having free time for my is very difficult because I am either drowning in homework, at a sports practice, or working. Homework has definitely kept me up at nights, which would later cause me to be exhausted during the school day. However I do feel that Darter’s article is weak in terms that she could definitely use more evidence to convey her expression of the no homework policy. Our current school day is based on a schedule that kids must get up at a certain time and switch classes based by a ring of a bell. If kids didn’t have to worry about getting certain assignments done for the next day, I do agree with Darter that, kids would have more time to be kids. In her article Darter refers to a study done at Duke University. The study showed that “all it does is negatively impact kids’ attitudes towards school, learning, and their parents(the homework enforcers).” This research shows, not proves, that homework does have an effect on studies ability to do well in

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