In 1899, 28 states had passed laws regulating child labor and by 1938, the child labor laws were passed in America. This act “fixed minimum ages of 16 for work during school hours, 14 for certain jobs after school, and 18 for dangerous work” (Fried 1). Because of these restrictions, kids had the ability to attend school stress free. At the time, schools were often one-room schoolhouses, meaning that all grade levels were taught in the same room. Because of this style, it was very difficult for teachers to assign homework. In fact, many school districts passed anti-homework regulations, crediting mostly the work of the anti-homework studies showcased in the Ladies’ Home Journal. The studies overall stated that, “study at home interfered with children’s natural inclination towards play and free movement, threatened children’s physical and mental health, and usurped the right of parents to decide activities in the home” (Loveless 1). Without the requirement of homework or a job, many students tended to household chores around the home. This made the children a part of the family and kept them involved around the house. This family state was much healthier for families and students, as there was no stress on the students from school and the parents were not swamped with the pressure of never ending housework. This setup made for success and wasn’t challenged for a …show more content…
Today teenage depression, suicide, and stress induced illnesses are higher than ever before. It is obvious that the amount of stressed caused by school and the amount of homework leaves a serious long term effect. The demand placed on students today then puts pressure on the parents as they try to help their kids understand their curriculum and relieve some of their stress. This causes the overall family dynamic to change, and not for the best. In order to solve the problem we need to limit the amount of homework assigned to the 10 minutes per grade recommended standard. This standard suggests that students in first grade receive 10 minutes of homework, while students in sixth grade receive 60, and high school seniors get two hours worth. This standard has been tested and has shown an overall improvement among students mental health. The nation's number one goal should be to ensure the success and health of our students. By implementing this policy we will see an overall improvement nationwide. History has shown that increased homework does nothing for the student but harm them, it is time to learn from history and defend them against the injustice of