In other words, as viewers of this media, often notice how flawless models are. Flawless skin, perfect makeup, or high lifted cheekbones are traits in which categorizes a women that is “ideal”. Photographers that are put in charge of a certain advertisement, will use photoshop or an editing device to take out the blemishes to make the image more appealing to sell a product. In a recent scholarly article, Feona Attwood discusses the controversy of the latest Dove Campaign between the photographers and the viewers. Attwood discusses “.. an invisible photoshop artist goes to work, elongating her neck, arching her eyebrows widening her eyes, etc.” This is evidence that women are just being used to sell beauty products not only in this advertisement, but in every other type of women beauty product. As another detrimental practice toward impressionable women, advertisers and marketing executives will use models of impractically small size.(British Journal) This strategy is the foundation that “skinniness sells”. A spokesperson for the agency representing top model Naomi Campbell, says “ The clients would say that they are selling a product and responding to consumer demand. At the end of the day, it is business and the fact is that these models sell the products.” This is evidence that it is advertisers’ job to promote a product no matter what potentially negative impact on consumers might be realized. Female consumers will see the women in these advertisements as a standard to which they should hold themselves despite the potential health risks. Advertisers and product executives probably feel this practice is validated even though the images and appearances they create are not realistic for most consumers. If, therefore, the potential consumer impact occurs, then the observers of this imagery could affect their self opinion and esteem. If women embrace this vision of a perfect ideal body, they might be inclined to engage in practices or activities to achieve this goal at personal expense and potential health risk. For years and even decades, vulnerable women have been inundated with images depicting the pinnacle of beauty as requiring an unhealthy and impractical thinness. In attempting to achieve this endpoint, these women may adopt dangerous beliefs and practices that might lead to extreme dieting and eating disorders. According to Sarah Grogan,“ The average woman could be expected to have dieted to try to lose weight..” It has been said …show more content…
A glaring example of the extreme thinness is from a model sharing her story behind the scenes of these productions. (Mary ellen Zucckerman) Filippa Hamilton, a 5’10 and 120 pound Ralph Lauren model was considered extremely underweight after visiting several doctors. After her first advertisement for the Lauren company, editors digitally manipulated her appearance to make her look even more skinny than she already was. They went to say she was fired due to the fact she was “overweight”. The picture below shows her actual weight on the right compared to the edited version. This exemplifies the extremes to which advertisers may go to create a product image regardless of the potential negative impact on consumers of their