Letter To Mentee

Improved Essays
Section 1:
Mentor’s name : Nuoning Zhang
Date: 2/15/17
Journal: # 5
Name of school: Florence elementary school
Name of mentees: Harley and Yaret
Teacher and Room: Ms. Miller Room #101
Dates and times of your visits during the week: Wednesday 11:40-1:30 and Friday 12:00-3:20
Section leader: Stephanie / Sarina
Total number of field hours to date: 17hours 15 min

Section 2
Dear Liuming, I’m sorry to hear about you had a hard time at school. I know that it feels bad when you make a mistake and other people tease or laugh at you. However, most people whose second language is English have an accent, but it is ok. When your mentee and his classmates were laughing at you about your accent, you should teach them to recognize their mistakes , tell them
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Military-connected students are often experience many difficulties, such as their parents often move from here to somewhere according to their job requirement. In that case, their kids have to transfer with their parents and they cannot stay in one place for a long time. It’s difficult for them adapt new environment , and meet new people like teachers or classmates. In my opinion, kids from military families should study in a school which particular works for …show more content…
It needs be changed. Robinson emphasizes that kids should find their own passion on study and let them seek out the education they need to achieve it. In his view, schools are always focusing on how to promoted student’s grades, how to make sure students graduate successfully. He asserts that education must improve critical thinking skills instead of making kids learn prepared information. Kohn and Delpit states that school needs structural changes that makes best kind of teaching available to the kids who need it most. For example, for those low-income neighbours, school need to focus on how to teach them calculate numbers instead of critical thinking or creativity. Pedagogues there are rather warders that encourage obedience and punish

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