These are “self-knowledge and knowledge of his or her total environment to allow the child to intelligently choose life work” and “work training and advanced education as the child may intelligently choose”. My school has yet to provide me with a certain class dedicated to discovering career paths and informing me about all of my options as an adult. Most of what I have based my decisions on what I want to do with the rest of my life has come from sources other than my school. Although classes of “work training” are provided at places like a tech center, I cannot say that I can “intelligently choose” which course to participate in.
The last goal that our elementary and secondary schools could equally and especially focus more on is “Social ethics, both behavioral and abstract, to facilitate compatibly with others in this society.” Students of all ages should be taught these skills because they are imperative to excel in almost any aspect of life. Students are rarely taught in school how to properly shake someone’s hand, how to prepare for a job interview, or how work harmoniously with others. Our education system should require a course dedicated to teaching “social ethics” and “soft