As someone once said, students cannot expect their ways to completely change once they get to college. All of what we have done up until now has set the path for our future educational choices. Some of the goals I plan to achieve while at college are to swim for the Wilkes University Swim Team, receive a master’s degree while majoring in Biology, and become certified in Secondary Education. I include these plans along with others into my future legacy since they are still part of the unknown. I hope to be very impacting on all aspects of my college experiences along with my future employment. As each and every day passes, my legacy grows a little more adding to the greater idea of what I foresee my life to …show more content…
Social experiences have contributed towards the sentimental values that I possess along with the knowledge I have gained of self-respect, dignity, and courage. My high school athletic involvement has transformed me into a leader that is responsible, supportive, and fun. In my current and future professional fields, my hard work and achievements have pushed me to envision great success at both my collegiate experiences and future professions. All of the parts previously mentioned make up about less than one-fourth of a person’s lifetime legacy when measured by the factor of