Dreams may come in many forms but a couple of my biggest dreams is to graduate with honors. I’m going to go back to school! Why not learn while I’m there? Like I said earlier in my essay dreams are very hard to obtain and may even be laughed at. Another dream is to put all my kids through college but I face challenges putting myself through college. With the graduation rate …show more content…
If dreams are attainable and kept within reason. I’ve even done a little research about goal setting and learned a lot about myself and what’s important to me. I can even add a little anecdote which was a time that has changed my perspective on what I need to know in the real world. The story goes like this I sent an email to a business owner and later on that week made a follow up call. Only to get an answer your emails punctuation and grammar was so bad I would not consider using your company. I felt like the lowest man on earth. This and other stories like it will keep me trying and successful in