Everything was going normal in my family then, we rented a house that was in the name of my aunt, had enough money for the bills, …show more content…
It was always my mother’s dream to have all of my brothers go to college, but only one of them were able to enter at Chabot. Unfortunately, my brother had to drop out of college because of the money issue we had, where rent had become the first priority to our family. Seeing this happen to my brother, made me feel concerned about the future, and also envision what could be stored in mine. The fact that my brother was the first to enter college in my family though, was a big inspiration. This made me recognize that I shouldn’t take my education for granted because not all is given the opportunity. With a new motivation and desire to make my family proud, I put forth my best effort into my school performance in order to get into a great college. I could not say that the experiences I went through with my family were fortunate, but they have shaped me into the person who I am …show more content…
I have always dreamed about working with animals and helping the one’s in need, or being part of the film business where I can contribute in the making of movies. Everyone always said that college is the road to your success and I have come to learn that it is. I learned that a college education was necessary to get an amazing job, and good payment. Therefore with the success I achieve, I aspire to also give back to my family for everything they have given me and support them when they no longer can. Considering my low income status, I acknowledge that the Students Rising Above Program is an incredible, one time opportunity to conquer my goals and signing for this unique program is the first proper step I am willing to