3.1 Introduction
In Chapter 2, we identified the impacts of leadership and leadership style on project team member performance through critically reviewing related literature including leadership definition and its nature, theories of leadership in the 20th century, transactional and transformational leadership styles, the relationship between leadership styles and team performance.
This chapter describes the design of methodology and data gathering strategies. First, the chapter describes the research perspective in section 3.2, research paradigms (section 3.3), and research design (section 3.4). A justification for selection of data collection method will be given in section 3.5 and section 3.6. Ethical issues …show more content…
The researcher decided to investigate leadership style because it is believed that leadership styles play a significant role in managing and leading followers for managers. This view has been proven in the literature review part. And in this report, the researcher wants to investigate in a practical situation which is leadership styles in the Research and Development Department of Samsung Company in Vietnam. The main reason for choosing Samsung Company is that there was lack of research about this company before from literature review. Secondly, it is a big international company, so employee performance is an important part of this company strategy to raise sustained competitive advantage in international market share. Development and Research Department is the scope of this research since the author had to get access to those team members in this department through working time. It is expected that the results of this report will support managers by identifying their leadership styles, its influence on team performance, and the response of followers under their leadership styles. Finally, the result may support to improve learning and developing leadership skills of leaders in the Samsung …show more content…
The paradigm supports the researcher understand philosophical assumptions about the research and select tools, instruments, participants, and methods of conducting research (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000; Veal, 2006). Saunders & Lewis (2012) found evidence to suggest that philosophy is the critical analysis of the fundamental assumptions or beliefs help by an individual. It can be understood that research philosophy is an overall term that relates to the development of knowledge and the nature of that knowledge in relation to research. In business and management research, it is significant to consider or philosophical position because it gives effects on the way the researcher conducted the research (Saunders & Lewis, 2012). There are four main strands of research philosophy including positivism, realism, interpretivism (constructivism) and pragmatism (Saunders & Lewis, 2012). The positivist paradigms observe behaviours the sample and measure variables by using data analysis in certain controllable conditions and then describe the reaction of these variables (Gall et al., 1996; Saunders & Lewis, 2012). Therefore, quantitative research is approach by positivist researchers. In contrast, the interpretivism raises the importance of the necessity to understand differences between humans in the