Leadership Style Self Assessment

Improved Essays
Leadership Style Self-Assessment
The purpose of this paper is to discuss my leadership style I most likely function in, which according to my self-assessment would be Participative Style. In addition I will discuss some of the theories that would be incorporated in my leadership style, and last of all, discuss three key behaviors that coincide with my style that I use in my work environment. With any leadership there are many characteristics that can make a leader good or bad. Being able to lead a group of diverse people into working together to better a company takes skills, patience, trust, and the ability to be flexible. The power a leadership has can make or break a team, and because of this, it is imperative that as a leader one
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The transformational leaders both convoluted and more effective than the others, the leaders tend to teach and explain procedures. In addition, trust and honesty is also a big concept with this leader and actually push for the team to be open and honest with each other when making decisions. Furthermore, this style encourages communication among each other as well as encouraging critical thinking and self motivation in their nurses and teams (Giltinane, 2013). For example, when I had a problem with increase bleeding and hematomas with our Transradial (TR bands) in our post procedure patients, I had our nurses get together and come up with a possible solution to present to our cardiac doctors. After weeks of researching and documenting complications, the nurses came up with the solution that the pressure of the band was on two long thus at times causing some constriction to the blood flow that when we release the pressure the clot dislodges and it will bleed. The Doctors agreed and now the policy was changed to keep the TR bands on for sixty minutes only instead of two hours. The collaboration between the staff and the doctors helped facilitate their critical thinking skills, as well as …show more content…
The nurse manager is able to be authoritative when direction is needed to finish a task yet at the same time if there are any interpersonal conflicts between the staff then the nurse manager can use their relationship skills to solve the problems (Huber, 2014). The ability to be direct with your staff along with having empathy and the ability to improve a working environment a leader must be able to communicate effectively, improve interdisciplinary collaboration within the unit and facilitate responsibility and empowerment among the staff (Jackson, Davidson, & Hutchinson, 2014). One example I experienced was when we had a patient who became violent and was attempting to injure our staff. It was at this point, I became more authoritative in my management skills, dictating to the staff. I instructed one staff to clear out a section of the unit in order to keep them safe, while dictating to another to call security and 911. To the immediate staff in the danger zone, I instructed them to stay calm and do not approach the patient. I had all the access to the patient rooms closed and I was able to talk to the patient and talk to him trying to deescalate the situation. After twenty-five minutes the situation was dissolved and the patient was arrested, thus successfully able to adapt to a crisis, take total control to ensure safety until help arrived

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