One of the greatest advances in technology is the ability to rewind and review plays. Sports officials can now go back and review plays to make sure that they are making the right calls. This advantage can be used in tennis to see whether or not the ball was out of bounds, or it could be used to make sure the football crossed the goal line before the runner’s knee was down. It could determine if a baseball was hit fair or foul, and it could also be used to see if a soccer ball has entirely crossed the goal line. The advantage of replays is not limited to these sports and has impacted sports worldwide. The use of replay has changed the dynamic of sports because now things can be determined right there at the game. Game altering decisions can be made within
One of the greatest advances in technology is the ability to rewind and review plays. Sports officials can now go back and review plays to make sure that they are making the right calls. This advantage can be used in tennis to see whether or not the ball was out of bounds, or it could be used to make sure the football crossed the goal line before the runner’s knee was down. It could determine if a baseball was hit fair or foul, and it could also be used to see if a soccer ball has entirely crossed the goal line. The advantage of replays is not limited to these sports and has impacted sports worldwide. The use of replay has changed the dynamic of sports because now things can be determined right there at the game. Game altering decisions can be made within