Sports are an opiate because if an individual is addicted to a sport they are passionate about, the person will want to be a part of that sport at all costs. An example of conflict theory is people with wealth make decisions which play a significant role in the sporting world. The social problems, changes, and inequalities that occur are class relations where people in economic power get involved with sports for extrinsic motivation while the people who lack capital can’t afford to participate in sports that are costly or attend sporting events where ticket prices are expensive. Since this disparity exists, lower class groups struggle to gain access due to scarcity of resources, and the powerful who want to maintain power and dominate than to conform and share the consensus. Athletes alienate themselves from their bodies and use it like a machine which can be detrimental to their health by overexerting themselves which can lead to burnout where the athlete is mentality and physically exhausted. Athletes are looked upon as heroic, courageous and strong but they’re also human beings who are prone to making mistakes. Some people put athletes on a pedestal but nobody is perfect. Some people are against dominant sports because the events are commercialized and bureaucratic with the interest being how much capital can be made where alternative forms of sports …show more content…
Some of the issues that critical theories present are the lack of finances for heavily equipped sports and violence in sports. For example, if an individual wants to play football they will have to buy a whole uniform which consist of shoulder pads, thigh pads, a helmet, cleats, a mouth piece, jerseys and pants which can be costly for a person who can’t afford the required equipment. The alternative in playing basketball or handball only require one equipment for both sports which is a ball that is cost effective for many where accessibility can be the playground to enjoy leisure time with no restrictions. Sport has a strong impact in society where everything is monitored and broadcasted worldwide for everybody to