How Did The Holocaust Tried To Survive A Mass Murder?

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What if, there was only one person to survive a mass murder? What if they tried to save the people they loved but could not? The holocaust was the murder of millions of Jews from January 30th 1993 to May 8th 1945. That is a long time to be beaten and spit on. There were very few people that had revolted to this, and those people made history. During the Holocaust, Jews used armed and unarmed forms of resistance in order to retain their humanity. Armed/unarmed resistance is when Jewish holocaust prisoners resisted against the Nazis as one big group. Whether they did It with weapons or not they wanted to keep their humanity. Throughout occupied Poland, hundreds of clandestine schools and classes were organized inside the ghettos. Going to and from class in various apartments and basements, students hid their books under their clothing. This quote shows unarmed resistance. They’re smuggling in books and getting education in different apartments while the Nazis are not paying attention. This helped the Jews because they were able to keep on learning and not have a blank mind all the time. Another non-violent way the jews resisted was hiding. …show more content…
Jewish people had hidden in houses that were no longer being used also in cemetery’s and basements. Nelly Cesana said,” I remember the fear, of never feeling safe. You had to hide constantly. And the hunger — I would sit in our apartment and look out the window, and I would see the Polish children across the street bringing milk back home,” This little girl had to constantly hide from Nazi soldiers. She lived in fear of being taken or killed everyday. One major way of the Jews revolting was ambushed on

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