Holocaust Cause And Effect Essay

Improved Essays
The Holocaust was an event that created the persecution and murder of six million Jews by Adolf Hitler and his collaborators. There was an addition five million non-Jewish victims, a total of eleven victims killed. About one million who were killed, were Jewish children.The greek root word “Holo” means whole and “caust” means burnt, Holocaust overall means sacrifice by fire. It all took place in Germany.About 42,500 facilities were used in German territories to concentrate and kill Jews and other victims. In January 1933, the Nazis came to power to Germany, they believed that the Jews were a threat to the German racial community. Other than the Nazis targeting the Jews, they also targeted Gypsies, the disabled, Poles, and Russians. …show more content…
The first concentration camp was Dachau, which is located in the small town of Dachau, approximately 10 miles northwest of Munich. Which started with a capacity of 5,000 people. Then the concentration camp expanded and held about 45,000 prisoners that were tortured and held there until their death. After the SS(Schutzstaffel) took over and were in charge, they expanded the role of the camp. The ghettos were temporary camps made especially for Jews to segregate them from the rest of the population. The first ghetto to be made was the Warsaw Ghetto which was located in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland in October 1939. After the ghettos were established the violent start of World War II had started. By 1941, Germany conquered new territories in eastern Europe. Between 1933 and 1945 Germans had established about 20,000 concentration camps to imprison millions of Jews and other victims. During the same time period there was about 365 ghettos made also for Jews and many others victims. The military force units were called Einsatzgruppen which resulted in murdering about two million Jews and participants often in mass shooting. Many military forces were against many people no matter what background or race someone was. The Holocaust is one of the most tragic event in our history. Innocent people died and families were distorted. Officers would treat Jews and victims …show more content…
Many more Americans, with being aware of what is happening have started to be more involved in what the government is doing and planning to do. Also many Americans have helped by donating things, or informing others about what is happening. When situations like this happen many Americans know that they can’t really do anything but support and donate money. For example, many times we support the military because they are part of the government that make many differences in our country. They sacrifice their lives to save many of us. Many Americans have become politicians because they know that whatever the government has planned to do will help us stop those hurting others. Also by starting to support them, with money or by being informed, the government seems to do better decisions when having situations like the Holocaust or ISIS. For example, the U.S. government got involved in the time of the Holocaust by teaming up with some Allies and also bombing some concentration camps. The U.S. military also went into the concentration camps and ghettos and started to help the Jews or victims inside them and also arrested or killed the Nazis. Now, the United States is in trouble because of many Syrian refugees. As many bombings have gone by, the U.S. military and the government have not been able to do much because they

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