Home Depot’s objective is for all individuals to feel that they are treated fairly, and included. This involves individuals as customers, and employees. This organization pledges, “At The Home Depot Canada, we support and promote diversity as part of your core values. Our diversity and inclusion strategy represents our ongoing commitment to our associates and communities to prove an environment that is, and feels inclusive to all.” (Homedepot, 2015). As stated above, Home Depot is dedicated to creating a workplace that welcomes, and advocates multiculturalism. In addition their diversity slogan expresses, “Orange In All Of Its Tones.” After viewing their website, it is evident that Home Depot …show more content…
This article makes this question, and then provides theory on how to confront discrimination and eliminate it, by explaining a seven-step program that disables discrimination and promotes diversity. The steps are as follows: Documentation; inclusive culture; validate existing personnel practices; effective diversity initiatives; review personnel process effects; scientific investigation; and finally evaluate and explain practices .(Baker, et al., 2011, 30) By following these steps it is argued that a company will become more effective and efficient towards employment relationships. Furthermore, this proactive approach advocates for fair employment treatment and because of that, these steps will also reduce lawsuits against Home Depot. In comparison to Home Depot and this article I believe that Home Depot is already succeeding in this diversity program. Home Depot has a thorough policy around diversity, and it shows within their stores. Home Depot has been awarded Canada’s Best Diversity Employers so it is evident that this company makes a conscious decision to promote