People’s awareness with regard to the bad effects of gluten-rich foods has increased in the past years. A survey even showed that a third of the American population are now trying to ditch gluten from their diets. This means that they are actively seeking gluten free foods that will give them wellness.
Getting to Know Celiac Disease
Gluten is a kind of protein composite seen in different types of grains like spelt, wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is comprised of two proteins namely glutenin and gliadin. The latter is the part that most people react to.
As flour mixes with water, gluten becomes a link of protein networks with elastic properties. This is what makes the bread rise once you put it inside the oven. Gluten, in fact, …show more content…
This immune reaction leads to intestinal wall degeneration. Eventually, other health issues ensue such as fatigue and anemia.
Celiac is known to afflict about 1% of the global population. This is more common among the elderly.
What’s alarming is that a huge percentage of celiac patients do not even manifest abdominal symptoms. This makes diagnosis a lot more difficult. Symptoms might manifest in many different ways like anemia or fatigue, even something much worse which could lead to death in certain studies.
Gluten Sensitivity and Its Serious Consequences
A person does not have to have a full-blown celiac disease in order to be sensitive to gluten. Gluten sensitivity (also known as gluten intolerance) is a more common type of negative reaction to gluten. Should you be diagnosed to be gluten intolerant, it is a much to change your current diet and include more of gluten free foods. Unlike the addictive properties of gluten-rich wheat, you won’t suffer from cravings if you resort to eating healthy foods.
Here is a list of gluten free foods that you could consider to include in your diet –
• Fish
• Meat