Understanding Crohn's Disease

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According to Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America they say, “Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, usually affect as many as 1.4 million Americans, most of whom are diagnosed before age 30.” Even though both diseases have numerous symptoms alike, they have a lot of complicated differences. For example according to the CCFA, “Ulcerative colitis is limited to the large intestine (known as the colon) and the rectum”. Crohns Disease “affects the end of the small intestine (the ileum) and the beginning of the colon, but it can affect any part of the GI tract from the mouth to the anus.” In addition inflammation only happens on the surface layer of the intestinal lining. It also can be seen anywhere from one’s mouth all the way to the anus. Mrs.Terry, a victim of Crohn’s disease, was diagnosed she was only in her early 30’s. “Crohn’s disease belongs to a group of conditions known as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). …show more content…
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract.” Since Crohn’s disease is a hereditary disease, Terry didn’t know anyone in her family that had Crohn’s disease so she became more curious on research. Once she became educated on Crohn’s disease she found out that her cells from her immune system was taking on microbes instead of fighting them off. The minute she understood what it was, treatments and her boundaries she was able to take on Crohn’s disease with confidence. As of today Crohn’s disease is still a very important inflammatory disease that affects 2,000 american yearly in the United States. Crohns disease is a silent killer it is scary, deadly, and damaging. On the image below with statistics comes from Coriell personalized medicine: Body Crohns can cause pain and damage on a person’s stomach. According to Mayo Clinic “Crohn's disease can cause the entire digestive tract to be inflamed or irritated.” It makes their stomach bloated, sore, and causes them to have cramps and diarrhea. Mayo clinic and more agrees that “Crohn's disease can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and fatigue.” Mrs. Terry, a victim of Crohn disease agrees with their conclusion because often time when she forgets to take her medicine or eats junk food she tends to get a lot of those effects. Like diarrhea and soreness. Likewise it usually comes from eating something that’s not that good for you. For example, spicey foods and popcorn will cause cramps. Popcorn doesn’t disgust very well and causes sharp pains in the stomach and that goes for corn on the cobb as well. The swelling and bloating also comes from something that you might have drunk. It tends to hurt more around the navel and lower abdomen and cause soreness. The area of the swelling is usually no bigger than a plum but the pain can go from mild to extreme. Patients often use acetaminophen for mild pain and usually have surgery for extreme pain. “About 75 percent of people with Crohns disease will eventually require surgery.” According to Crohns and Colitis foundation of America. Although they have the option to choose yea or nay for surgery. For most patients that cannot bear their symptoms or maybe medications not working anymore a lot of the time will want surgery. Some people have to actually have surgery to have the pain removed. The top reasons for surgery for a Crohns patient is blockage, excessive bleeding, sore, and pus. Blockage is often caused from a thick skin of scar tissue that creates something called a stricture. Excessive bleeding is a very rare cause of surgury, so not to many people …show more content…
According to WebMD, chances of having Crohns disease or inflammatory bowel disease are between 10 to 20 percent. They also believe it’s more common to Jews and caucasians. Also scientists have identified a gene that’s connected to Crohns disease. The gene is supposed to decide which microbes to react to. WebMD also says that, “ If the gene has changed or mutated in some way, your body's reaction to microbes may also be different from the normal reaction.” As time goes by Inflammatory bowel disease develops overtime. Also people that gets Crohns disease by genes are more likely to get it twice as more than a person that have no relationships with anyone with Crohns

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