Many people every year are diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. According to Crohn’s and Colitis foundation, about 70,000 people are diagnosed each year. My mom was one of those unlucky people. About 20 years ago, my mom got diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. She is in pain most days but gets through it with a positive attitude. There’s good days and bad days. There are many reasons why you get Crohn’s disease, and many medicines that can help ease the pain, but yet no cures. Crohn’s disease was first found in 1907 by Burrill Bernard Crohn. He found the disease when he came across an ill 17-year old boy. He thought it was tuberculosis but then thought different. Burrill then did his research and found the new disease …show more content…
Crohn’s disease is a long-lasting disease that makes you have inflammation in your GI tract. Inflammation is when a body part because swollen and begins to get red. It affects your small intestine and some of the large intestine. It starts out not very noticeable but over time in affects the person more and more (“Crohn’s Disease.”). People suffer every day from the pain and try everything to make it go away. My mom has been trying different things for years trying to stop it. Many different types of people can get it. They can be young or old or different races. Crohn’s disease is most likely inherited from family. You can still get it if your family doesn’t have it, but you have less chances of receiving it. (Web MD). Jennifer Robinson, from Web MD, states that certain religions have a greater chance of getting them, such as …show more content…
The more advanced treatment is a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is where a doctor looks at your colon with a thin tube with a camera. This allows them to take some tissue that may confirm if you have the disease (“Diseases and Conditions, Crohn’s”). Some other treatments that are more advanced include surgery of abscesses. Surgery on abscesses would drain the pus from within. More simple, yet helpful treatments include taking antibiotics and having a special diet. Antibiotics reduce the dangerous bacteria that could harm you. Antibiotics also help abscesses and fistulas get better (“What is Crohn’s”). Special diets that maybe help you would include more soft and plain foods. Spicier or higher fiber maybe irritate your stomach. These treatments may help you make the pain somewhat