Crohn’s disease symptoms vary from one patient to the next. Depending on how mild or severe the condition is, the signs could be anywhere from mere nausea to bleeding. There are extraintestinal manifestations which are rarely present. The disease can also affect different parts of the body such as the skin, liver, joints and the eyes.
Kids can present delays in growth development. About a third of Crohn’s patients develop the perianal symptoms including fissures (anal skin tears), skin tags, fistulae (that abnormal connection between the anus and the intestine), abscess (infected fluid or pus).
Other Crohn’s disease symptoms include –
• Abdominal tenderness
• Diarrhea
• Fatigue
• Fever
• Rectal …show more content…
• Allow the patients to function like a healthy person.
Treatment of Crohn’s disease has improved a lot over the years. New therapies have been developed to treat GI (gastrointestinal) tract and cytokines. Biologic anti-tumor necrosis factor or anti-TNF has advanced Crohn’s disease management. This is especially beneficial for patients who are suffering from moderate to severe symptoms.
Should medical therapy fail, the only option left is to have surgical resection of the swollen bowel. Urgent surgical operation can be required in certain cases of recurrent perforation, hemorrhage, abscesses, as well as toxic mega colon.
A lot of patients with an exacerbated case of Crohn’s disease may be treated on an outpatient setting. Regular tests should be done, with the frequency of these exams depending on the seriousness of the disease.