Crohn's Disease Classification

Improved Essays
Matthew Sawyer
Centura College LPN Program Student
Ms. Martin, BSN
Nutrition-Crohn’s Disease
April 2017

What is Crohn’s Disease? Crohn’s Disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease and is also known as Crohn Syndrome and Regional enteritis. It can affect every part of the intestinal tract from mouth to anus. Usually Crohn’s Disease effects the end of the small intestine. Twenty percent of people with Crohn’s Disease has a blood family member who suffers from some type of inflammatory bowel disease. There is no differentiation of male or female with this condition because it effects each gender. Crohn’s Disease can occur at any age but typically has onset between the ages of 15 and 35 years of age and approximately 700,000
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In certain circumstances a complete series of testing cannot accurately diagnose Crohn’s Disease. Some of the tests include a colonoscopy (which is approximately 70% effective in diagnosis) and capsule endoscopy. There are three different classification of Crohn’s Disease. The three classifications of Crohn’s Disease are Colic (which accounts for approximately 20% of classification), Ileum (which accounts for approximately 30% of classification) and Ileocolic (which accounts for approximately 50% of classification). Other conditions with similar symptoms include but are not limited to tuberculosis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, Behcet’s Disease (Abbvie. …show more content…
People diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease should keep a food diary so that food triggers can be documented and identified. Typically, a low fiber diet and elimination of casein and gluten are effective. A nutritious diet is essential in maintaining quality health for people diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease because essential vitamins and minerals are needed to be absorbed through the intestine walls to keep from becoming extremely fatigued, malnourished and/or hospitalized. People with Crohn’s should limit or avoid dairy product intake, avoid alcohol consumption, avoid nuts and seeds, avoid carbonated beverages, eat foods low in fat, try different types of fiber in their diet, always avoid foods that produce flatulence, portion control and smaller meals, and always stay hydrated with plenty of water and other probiotic hydrating drinks. If the person has had Crohn’s Disease and has had trouble with appetite loss they should stick to a high calorie, high protein diet (Abbvie.

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