6th hour
“Never give up and always keep fighting, because tough times may be tough, the sacrifices do pay off, so just keep putting towards your dream and just love it the same time and enjoy it” Gabrielle Christina Victoria Douglas once said. Gabby is an African American women’s national gymnast. Gabby teaches kids, teens, and eve adults to never give up and show the world your best. She is a inspiration to all and is overall a great perso. Gabby Douglas is someone who definitely should be remembered.
Talented, experienced, and a great leader. Gabby Douglas fits those characteristics very well. Her whole world started on December 31, 1995 when she was born in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Her parents are Timothy Douglas and Natalie Hawkins. Gabby’s first experience was when she was three years old and perfected a cartwheel on her own using a technique she learned from her older sister, Arielle. At the age four she had learned to do a one handed cartwheel and by age 6 her mom allowed her to take gymnastic classes. In 2004 …show more content…
She has helped many children organizations and has gave people the strength to hold on and not quit on their dreams. “My message is to never quit, never give up. When you have a little trouble here and there, just keep fighting. In the end, it will pay off” (Gabby Douglas). Gabby was once bullied after the Olympics. Mean people were saying her hair looked bad and she wasn’t presentable enough when she had just defeated many other gymnast. She was setting a record for herself, she was achieving her goals in life while others were doing the opposite and bullying her. This incident did not stop Gabby, instead it made her so much stronger. She told her fans “Are you going to stand or are you going to crumble? In the face of everything, still stand”. Gabby is one of the strongest people I’ve ever heard of. She is a role model to many and deserves