Introduction Molly Burke is a teen activist who speaks against bullying. She became blind from a disease that is rare and only 1 in 4,000 people get, but no matter what, she still had the courage to keep going and accomplish all her dreams. She never gave up no matter how mean the bully, or how hard the challenge was. Molly has inspired many people to try their best to follow their dreams no matter how many bumps are in the road on the way. Her Childhood On February 8, 1994, Molly Burke was born in Oakville, Ontario Canada. When Molly was a toddler her vision was off and she couldn’t see the distance of objects. At age 4, Molly was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa Disease. Having this disease made her slowly lose her vision throughout time. Becoming blind made her life a lot harder than other kids her age. Even with this disease, she went to a therapeutic camp where she learned how to ride horses. She also went to a ski school and enjoyed doing Downhill skiing, Horseback riding, crafting lyrics, and practicing yoga. The Disease Only at age four, people finally noticed that she had freckles on the back of her retina which is a sign of the disease Retinitis Pigmentosa. This disease is a group of eye problems that affects the retina. Having this disease can affect many things with people's vision. It can change the way the retina responds to light, which can affect the person and make it harder for them to see. The person who has it can lose their night vision, that they can’t see anything in the dark but they can see fine in the daylight. People can lose both their peripheral vision (side) and also their central vision (straight). Not just that, people can also lose their color vision. People that lose their color vision can make it hard for them to see the colors red, green, and blue singular or mixed. Over time people with this disease slowly lose their vision not all at once. With this disease, most people don’t become totally blind. One way people can get this is by it being passed on by family members. Although that is not how Molly got hers. After & the Effect One year later after Molly became blind, she started speaking for …show more content…
She now travels all around the world to speak to groups as big as 20,000 people. Molly speaks with different ages from youth groups to adult groups. When she speaks, her only goal is to get people to be inspired and find peace. She also wants all kids to get education. Molly now has a youtube channel with 1 video that has 10,258 views.
Molly Burke, because of her hard work and her courage to never give up, she inspires people all over the world. The teen activist that she is now is a girl who all she wants to do is be a person who inspires and encourages other kids. For all that she went through, between being bullied, becoming blind, losing her closest friends and more, she successfully completed her only goal which is to inspire people and to find peace. Molly Burke wants to be remembered by the girl who never gave up, and that’s exactly what she