A military CA card is a card that can provide identification of its owner. A CA card can gain access to military bases and buildings, and can allow a person to login to government computers. It is a soldier’s responsibility to keep accountability of his/ her CA card, as well as have one on his/ her person at all times. “CA card holders will maintain accountability of their CA cards at all times while affiliated with the DoD (Department of Defense).” -DoDM 1000.13-M-V1, 6, b
Losing a CA card could potentially cause problems from outsider threats, as well as insider threats. An outsider threat can easily replace the photo on the CA card and use it to gain unauthorized access to US military installations. This could lead to terrorist attacks on base. A CA card left in a computer can let an insider threat perform security compromising actions in the CA card owner’s name. These …show more content…
Then he/ she should make the greatest effort looking for the lost CA card before gaining a replacement. Failure to do so can result in UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) action for negligence. Repeated offenses of losing a military CA card can also call for UCMJ action for negligence. Also one is not authorized to willing mistreat a military CA card. “Any person willfully altering, damaging, lending, counterfeiting, or using these cards in any unauthorized manner is subject to fine or imprisonment or both as prescribed by sections 499,506,509, 701, 1001, title 18, United States Code.” - AR 600-8-14, 1-15,