If we provide more hands on studies for the children of color or minority at the lower grade levels, and spark there interest in STEM, (STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. We focus on these areas together not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for student success, but also because these fields are deeply intertwined in the real world and in how students learn most effectively) in science, technology engineering and mathematics a lot of people have problems with math not necessarily because they become resistant to learn math because of the way it was thought. What if you teach it in a away that it is more to likely help kids enjoy math, and applying math, as a pose to cracking out problems studying for an end of the year test then they will find math more enjoyable an enjoy it more so. If they have more opportunists for students at a younger age that dealing with science and technology and not having to rely so much on technology but actually allow them to learn and use there minds that would help so much. That one of the reason why we should opening a STEM foundation mentoring the youth, and also the young adults, helping them explore the careers and opportunists around STEM and also help give out scholarship giving the minorities a chance for an successful …show more content…
Children, Pay, discrimation, and Architecture as a male profession, Pay 47% of the respondents believe males earn the same or more for doing the same work 35% believe the current economic climate will result in less pay One person noted that (The recession will have a greater impact on women – the profession finds it difficult to accommodate part-time working, a much more important issue for women with young children). Children 51% of the people that responded said they had no difficulty resuming their career after having children but around 80% of the people responded and said that having children put women at a disadvantage the time when a designer has accumulated enough work hours or time they then are qualify for the architectural registration exam which is often when many women consider starting families around that time or things like that. And returning from maternity leave for one of few available part-time and some full time positions but not all as it then puts the primary child caretaker, mostly women but some times men, but women are the real ones at the disadvantage when seeking project management roles that require a lot of working time that they don’t have. Discrimination 63% have suffered sexual discrimination in their career Most of the discrimination happens in the work area, the construction site and many