Dbq Essay On Abortion

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Abortion is the process of removing a fetus from inside a woman to prevent unwanted pregnancy and parenthood. Abortions terminate about ¼ of pregnancies. There are multiple types of abortions, depending on how far the woman is into the pregnancy such as trimester one, trimester two, or trimester three. The woman has the option to have a medical or surgical abortion performed. To numerous people, abortion is considered a basic right for all women because it gives them control of their bodies and future. Proponents are “pro-choice” and agree that abortions should be legal. Although abortion has been legal throughout the United States since 1973, there are laws now that deny certain women the ability to get abortions because to some it is considered to be murder and a sin. The people who have made these laws occur are “pro-life” and believe that abortions should be made illegal. It is recognized that if abortions become illegal, women will start choosing to do hazardous and unlawful abortions on their own. In the 70’s abortion was a privilege, however, in modern times, society is going out of their ways to prevent it. Abortion should be legal because it gives women control over their bodies, stops unwanted pregnancies that are a result of rape or incest, and provides a second chance for women who may not be mentally or financially ready for a child. (paragraph 2) Many people that are pro-life argue that women should not be provided abortions because they believe that women must take responsibility for their own “mistakes” after they have been assumably irresponsible. And this may be the case for some women, but there are also women who become pregnant as a result of rape or incestual rape. Rape victims are usually put through extreme traumatization after that affects them greatly in all aspects of their lives. Not only are these victims often left with a physical scar from their abuser, but they are left mentally drained and often develop mental illnesses like anxiety disorder, Depression, and PTSD. During these times, men and women who are victims of this do not feel at ease in their own bodies after being perpetrated. If a woman becomes pregnant from this she may feel happy that something good is happening to her at such a terrible moment in her life and may even be considered a miracle. Although, for some women, pregnancy reminds her of the incident and makes her feel as if the incident never actually ended and is continuing inside of her. This mindset can cause the victim to have an even more increased chance of developing a mental disorder and may cause her to harm herself in order to end her pregnancy. Many rape victims are pro-abortion because they understand how imperative it is for them to be in control of their bodies after the event(s). A …show more content…
Fostering a child can be challenging for most women including having to pay and watch for them. In an article about psychology today, “Many parents are spread way too thin, and they suffer by missing sleep, not having time for exercise, and having neglected marriages that end in divorce” (Doc A). Pregnancies can be very stressful for both partners of the relationship. Also, if the woman is a student, she may not be able to provide for the baby and perform well in school. In a primary source about college students having abortions, “Two years ago I found out I was pregnant during my first week of an intense graduate program...this was a complete shock” (Doc B) Some students take excessive and intensified classes which can be very stressful scholar wise. Nearly 50% of all abortions befall on women below 25 years of age. These women may still be in college and have adulation in their younger years. College students must be assiduous and have sleepless nights to be diligent and study for their exams. With an incoming baby, some students may have to drop-out to take responsibility for their child. This leaves the students unprepared for caring for a child because she has just dropped out of college and will have a burdensome time finding a job to pay for herself and her baby. In an article about reasons why abortions are acceptable, ¨To pretend that the choice to have the baby

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