Blended families help to improve society and families within the society. An article on the Global Post about single parents says, “You may have to adjust to living on less money than you are accustomed. This can result in juggling bills and possibly working more than one job. Working multiple jobs leaves little time to spend with your child, which could result in the parent feeling guilty” (The Disadvantages of Being a Single Parent & Raising a Child, 2009). It is good to have a mother-figure and a father-figure within a household to avoid the burdens living as a single-parent might bring. Burdens like financial stress and mental stress can strain the relationship between the parent and child. Remarrying helps take off some of that stress because two people will be working in the household to provide for the family, which gives the family more time to …show more content…
A statistic from Child Trends says, “Approximately 1 million teenagers in America become pregnant each year. Of those, 78% are unintended. Teens may choose to have an abortion because they have concerns about how having a baby would derail important personal goals; they worry about the financial responsibilities associated with parenthood; or they feel that they are not mature enough to become a parent” (Teen Abortions, 2014)
Many couples or single women are put in situations which can cause unwanted pregnancy and are unable to take care of the child. Instead of putting themselves and the child in struggles, it is better if they can give the child to another family to be taken care of. Having adoptive families lets people know they have a better option than to abort or abandon their baby if they are unable to care for