On famous television shows like Leave it To Beaver, we see the perfect all American family, where everyone can resolve their problems in a snap. However, in today’s society, nuclear families cannot be expected as shows like Gilmore Girls, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Empire all show the true aspects of what it means to be a family now a day. There are more and more single-parent families, stepfamilies, and families with same-sex parents. With divorce rates climbing higher than they ever were historically, there is a greater variance in family dynamics. Gilmore Girls revolves around the story of a single mother, Lorelai, and her daughter, Rory, who live in a small town in Connecticut. The show revolves around the fact that Lorelai and Rory are very close in age as Lorelai had her at 16, the two are practically best friends more then mother daughter, a relationship that can be very true in todays society. Often adolescents reach a stage in their life where they shut out their parents and communication is limited. Lorelai and Rory’s relationship demonstrates a unique example of a parent and child relationship that maintains communication through which they can discuss almost anything. That use of trust and control keeps a healthy relationship between the two. One of the biggest problems the two faced on the show however were about the fact that Rory was getting the life, Lorelai dreamed of, but because she got pregnant she was not able to fulfill that dream. The show, revolving mainly about women, it shows a degree of feminism from here and there. It also shows the struggle a mother could face of financial issues having to be on her own, and working her way slowly up the ladder, but eventually she does reach vertical mobility, going from cleaning hotel rooms to owning her own inn. Empire revolves around the story of the Lyon family, Lucious and his ex-wife Cookie, and their three sons Andre, Jamal, and Hakeem, as they take over the family business of Empire Entertainment, which creates music. Although the show has psychotic drama throughout, it still shows the aspects of a family that are split in two. Throughout the show the children have to struggle with whose side to take on what agreement, putting them in an uncomfortable position, that most divorced children end up feeling, dealing with a binuclear family. Although it seems Lucious lives in his patriarchy world, Cookie is always shown fighting for her power, saying she won’t follow orders from a mans world, which again shows in todays society, how feminism is changing for the fourth wave, To make matters more
On famous television shows like Leave it To Beaver, we see the perfect all American family, where everyone can resolve their problems in a snap. However, in today’s society, nuclear families cannot be expected as shows like Gilmore Girls, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Empire all show the true aspects of what it means to be a family now a day. There are more and more single-parent families, stepfamilies, and families with same-sex parents. With divorce rates climbing higher than they ever were historically, there is a greater variance in family dynamics. Gilmore Girls revolves around the story of a single mother, Lorelai, and her daughter, Rory, who live in a small town in Connecticut. The show revolves around the fact that Lorelai and Rory are very close in age as Lorelai had her at 16, the two are practically best friends more then mother daughter, a relationship that can be very true in todays society. Often adolescents reach a stage in their life where they shut out their parents and communication is limited. Lorelai and Rory’s relationship demonstrates a unique example of a parent and child relationship that maintains communication through which they can discuss almost anything. That use of trust and control keeps a healthy relationship between the two. One of the biggest problems the two faced on the show however were about the fact that Rory was getting the life, Lorelai dreamed of, but because she got pregnant she was not able to fulfill that dream. The show, revolving mainly about women, it shows a degree of feminism from here and there. It also shows the struggle a mother could face of financial issues having to be on her own, and working her way slowly up the ladder, but eventually she does reach vertical mobility, going from cleaning hotel rooms to owning her own inn. Empire revolves around the story of the Lyon family, Lucious and his ex-wife Cookie, and their three sons Andre, Jamal, and Hakeem, as they take over the family business of Empire Entertainment, which creates music. Although the show has psychotic drama throughout, it still shows the aspects of a family that are split in two. Throughout the show the children have to struggle with whose side to take on what agreement, putting them in an uncomfortable position, that most divorced children end up feeling, dealing with a binuclear family. Although it seems Lucious lives in his patriarchy world, Cookie is always shown fighting for her power, saying she won’t follow orders from a mans world, which again shows in todays society, how feminism is changing for the fourth wave, To make matters more