First, courage was shown when Max was explained to the caseworker, ‘“He’s been on his own since you guys have been in charge.’” (Crutcher 95). Max’s explanation shows Lionel’s courage because he was14 years old and was living by himself, even though his family has just died. Second, the event when Lionel, Walker, Jeff, and Elaine were drunk and were in a Jeepster driving on ice at the lake shows some courage. Lionel’s courage is revealed here, although he is drunk, because he didn’t know if the ice would support the Jeep, but still went driving on it, harming the lives in the Jeep: Walter, Jeff, Elaine, and himself. Third, Lionel’s courage and realization were shown when he went into the park in the night searching for Neal. Courage is shown here, because Lionel goes to the park in the night knowing that someone could kidnap him and that he was the only person that could only stop making Neal take drugs and being on the streets. Chris Crutcher has shown the courage that is in the characters through events and
First, courage was shown when Max was explained to the caseworker, ‘“He’s been on his own since you guys have been in charge.’” (Crutcher 95). Max’s explanation shows Lionel’s courage because he was14 years old and was living by himself, even though his family has just died. Second, the event when Lionel, Walker, Jeff, and Elaine were drunk and were in a Jeepster driving on ice at the lake shows some courage. Lionel’s courage is revealed here, although he is drunk, because he didn’t know if the ice would support the Jeep, but still went driving on it, harming the lives in the Jeep: Walter, Jeff, Elaine, and himself. Third, Lionel’s courage and realization were shown when he went into the park in the night searching for Neal. Courage is shown here, because Lionel goes to the park in the night knowing that someone could kidnap him and that he was the only person that could only stop making Neal take drugs and being on the streets. Chris Crutcher has shown the courage that is in the characters through events and