Boo Radley Courage

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In the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee courage among many other things is a key theme in the story. There are two characters that comes to mind when I think of courage in the story and those people are Atticus Finch and Boo Radley. These two characters show tremendous courage throughout the story from saving the kids to defending Tom Robinson even though it puts their life and privacy at risk. The real courage here is putting the needs and wants of others in front of their own.
A character whom the kids have named Boo does not sound like someone who people would call courageous but his heroic actions are shown repeatedly throughout the story. The first time we really see courage from Boo is when he Jem got stuck in the fence and he
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Atticus was courageous but not everyone agreed with his actions. We see courageous actions from Atticus all throughout the story but we really see his true character when he took the case to defend Tom Robinson. Scout and Atticus are talking and Scout says “If you shouldn’t be defendin’ him, then why are you doin’ it?” then Atticus replies with “ For a number of reasons. The main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town. I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again.” (75). The town of Maycomb is very racist and by Atticus taking this case it puts himself and his family in danger. The description Harper Lee used about Atticus really portrays him as a heroic character in this novel. The second time we see his courageous side is when Atticus had a seat in front of the jail cell where Tom was being kept. Scout Jem and Dill went to find Atticus and they did but what Scout says when he sees Atticus is really important he says, “He seemed to be expecting them.” (143). Knowing this mob is going to the jail to try and kill Tom, Atticus still goes and gives these men an opportunity to hurt him. One more display of Atticus’s courage is when he shoots the dog. Atticus takes full responsibility and shots that dog dead. Mr. Tate says “ Mr. Finch, this is a one shot job.” (94). Knowing the importance of this shot he does it and is successful.

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