It was that one sentence that made Junior courageous and would forever change his life. Junior knew he would be treated poorly by the white kids at school, the Indians back on the Rez, and even by Rowdy but he continued to follow his dreams by going to Reardan. He faced white kids tormenting him for his ethnicity. One boy even asked him, “Did you know that Indians are living proof that niggers fuck buffalo?” (Alexie, 64). Junior could’ve quit then. He could’ve given up hope and gone back to the Rez schools where he would have no future, but he stayed. He not only stayed for himself, but for every other Indian boy from the Rez who wanted to make something more of their lives. Junior persevered with strength and courage and kept
It was that one sentence that made Junior courageous and would forever change his life. Junior knew he would be treated poorly by the white kids at school, the Indians back on the Rez, and even by Rowdy but he continued to follow his dreams by going to Reardan. He faced white kids tormenting him for his ethnicity. One boy even asked him, “Did you know that Indians are living proof that niggers fuck buffalo?” (Alexie, 64). Junior could’ve quit then. He could’ve given up hope and gone back to the Rez schools where he would have no future, but he stayed. He not only stayed for himself, but for every other Indian boy from the Rez who wanted to make something more of their lives. Junior persevered with strength and courage and kept