A matching synonym for bravery is selflessness or non-selfishness in certain scenarios. Bravery can be putting your own life in danger for another. Take for example if a husband runs inside a burning building to save people when his entire family is safely outside. That husband would be pardoning his own safety for others. The example stated above involving a building being on fire brings up the point that bravery is a result of a quick thought out scenario. There would not be much time to think in the above scenario.
According to the online Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of Bravery is: “the …show more content…
Being courageous deals more with the emotional side of dealing with a problem. Courage is stepping out of the zone you are comfortable with and trying new things. Bravery is knowing what you are stepping into, but willing to face that fear. For example, a new sky-diver would have bravery, but a person asking someone out for a date is courage.
Bravery is not a description of someone’s character, but rather a description of the actions they have committed. Any person can be brave as long as they are willing to risk themselves to whatever consequences that may result because of their bravery. The quote, ““Remember that bravery is not the lack of fear but the ability to move forward in spite of fear,” accurately describes the definition of bravery. A person will always have some sort of fear at any given point, it is just their choice on how they deal with the fear which judges their level of