Bravery Quotes In Night

Superior Essays
Omar N. Bradley stated: “Braver is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.” This quote is relevant throughout Night because braver is a quality that most characters in this book possess. Night by Elie Wiesel is an autobiography that takes place in 1944, Poland during World War Two. We follow the story of Eliezer and his dad, Shlomo, as they live in various concentration camps in Poland. They and other prisoners have to show bravery to stay alive in hard times. Through Night, Elie Wiesel shows us that bravery is doing the right thing, even if it means hurting yourself. Eliezer, Shlomo, and other prisoners display bravery throughout this novel. Eliezer shows bravery through Night, when they are sent to concentration …show more content…
The first way that we see bravery is on the way to Auschwitz. They are in a cattle car full of other Jew’s, and there is a mother with her little kid. The mother cry’s out that she see’s fire, and causes distress in the cattle cart. Once everyone figures out that everything’s fine she is still calling out, the little boy tries to calm her down. The little boy shows lots of bravery because he is in a strange place, and his mother is so scared she can’t take care of him. The little boy was very brave because he had to take care of his mom, while he was so scared and alone. The second way we see bravery is when Eliezer is in the hospital. Eliezer just got surgery on his foot and was recovering. There was talk that they were going to evacuate the camp, Eliezer and his father were trying to decide if they should stay in the infirmary or evacuate the camp. Then, the faceless man in the next bed tells them to evacuate, all the patients in the infirmary will be killed. This is brave of the faceless man because he cannot leave and has to accept his fate that he will die once the Russians invade the camp. The last way that bravery is shown in Night is on the bus, as they head to Buchenwald. People that saw them along the streets would throw food at them for amusement because they were so starving. One time an old man got the food. His son was so starving that he killed his father for food. The father called out the the boy “ Meir, my little meir! Don’t you recognize me… you’re killing your father… I have bread for you too… for you too…” (Wiesel 101) This quote demonstrates bravery because the father was trying to help his son, but the son did not care. The old man shows his bravery as he calls out his final words for his son, asking for him to do the right

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