Courage Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird The main theme in To kill a mockingbird is courage and it is shown in many places throughout the book along with putting a huge impact on the book. There a three major places where courage is shown as in Chapter 1, when Dill dares Jem to run up to the Radleys house and hit it, when Atticus sticks up for Tom Robinson and defends him in court on the trial against Mayella and he sits outside the police station waiting for him, and once again near the end of the book courage is shown deeply when Boo Radley comes out of his house and fights off Bob Ewell. These are all very important scenes in the book where courage is shown and have an impact. In the first part of the book, in Chapter 1, courage is shown when Dill dares Jem to run up and slap the Radleys house. He says to him, “I won't say you ran out on a dare an’ I'll swap you The Grey Ghost if you just go up and touch the house.” Jem brightened. “ Touch the house, that's all?” Dill nodded (Chapter 1). This shows courage because everyone was so afraid of the Radleys and their house because no one ever came out of the house and no one living there had any good, positive interaction with the town. They were a very standoffish family and everyone had judged them for that and were scared of them. Dill never thought that Jem would run up and hit the house. Jem showed a large amount of …show more content…
Jem starts it off when running up to hit the Radleys house(Chapter 1). Atticus shows much courage defending a black man, Tom Robinson, in a trial, and when Boo comes out of his house in the end to save the kids(Chapter 29). This book shows courage and shows how we should interpret it into our lives and not live through life fearing it or worrying what others think. We have our own set minds and we must face, things, people, and challenges, just like all the breve people in To Kill a

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