Boo Radley Courage Quotes

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Ambrose Redmoon once said, “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear.” This quote is expressing that courage is not the lack of fear; it is the triumph over it. A courageous person is not one who has no fear or worries. It is one who has fear but preserves through any situation instead of backing down. To Kill A mockingbird expresses that courage is an emotion that makes people push to go beyond their normal actions and strive for what they believe is right. Harper Lee represents this theme through the actions of Boo Radley, Heck Tate, and Atticus Finch.

Through the majority of the novel, Boo Radley was seen as a mysterious quiet neighbor that provided an outlet for Jem and Scout’s curiosity. This view changes as Boo Radley becomes the hero, saving the children from the murderous hands of Bob Ewell. Boo had been keeping watch on the children for years, caring for their safety by peeking
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Atticus not only takes Tom Robinson's case, he defends Tom vigorously, putting himself against the prevailing attitudes and customs of Maycomb. Atticus stands up to his neighbors' racism, knowing that in doing so, he is exposing himself and his family to difficult times. Whether it was at school, around the neighborhood, or with family Jem and Scout were harassed by the racial predjudice of Maycomb. Although Atticus did not show it, he worried about the safety of him and his family. Atticus had these concerns yet he did not withdraw from the case. Miss Maudie tells Jem and Scout, “I simply want to tell you that there are some men in the world who were born to do unpleasant jobs for us. Your father is one of them” (Lee, ). Miss Maudie states how difficult of a job it was for Atticus to take the case. Atticus knew the dangers of the court case, however, he conquered this fear with courage, decided he would do the right thing, and save Tom

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