Along with this, I began trying harder in school in order to be able to have a better opportunity of reaching my goal. After months of research, I finally decided what exactly I needed to do for my education. Following graduation, I will be attending Dyersburg State Community College for a year to obtain my prerequisites needed to begin the actual nursing program at another educational institution. Once I have a clearer idea of what I want to do in nursing, I will find a school that best fits my needs and attend it. I will eventually obtain my bachelor’s degree and hopefully continue my education even further with a master’s degree specializing in whatever field I choose. The educational path towards my degree will not be easy, but once I am working and helping others every day, I feel as though all of the studying and practicing will be worth
Along with this, I began trying harder in school in order to be able to have a better opportunity of reaching my goal. After months of research, I finally decided what exactly I needed to do for my education. Following graduation, I will be attending Dyersburg State Community College for a year to obtain my prerequisites needed to begin the actual nursing program at another educational institution. Once I have a clearer idea of what I want to do in nursing, I will find a school that best fits my needs and attend it. I will eventually obtain my bachelor’s degree and hopefully continue my education even further with a master’s degree specializing in whatever field I choose. The educational path towards my degree will not be easy, but once I am working and helping others every day, I feel as though all of the studying and practicing will be worth