Persuasive Essay About Being A Nurse

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Many Americans are jobless, some are looking for a job while many of them are not. There are many people who rely on the government to get them the things they need. People should not be happy because they rely on the government for these things they should be sad or embarrassed that they can not get a job to get things in their life for themselves. There are many great jobs in America, there is a job for almost anyone who is willing to work and have a passion for the job they are doing. A great job to have is being a nurse. People say that being a nurse takes too much work or that it is to hard. Those people are right, nursing does take a lot of work and it is hard. It takes a very strong and kind hearted person to be a nurse. Being a nurse …show more content…
“You’ve likely heard about the “nursing shortage” for years now, and perhaps you think it’s been resolved. However, registered nurses are near the top of the list when it comes to employment growth “ (Nursing Shortage). A good thing about nursing is if someone gets in a job and they decide they do not like the job they have that there are so many different job that they can go into. People can decide if they want to work with babies or elderly people. There are millions of jobs that a nurse can do. Another good thing about becoming a nurse is they get steady incomes. Some jobs the income the employee would be receiving depends on how much they do or how many people go into their business to how much they get payed. MAybe those people did not see as many people in one day that they did before and that will affect how much they get payed that day. While nurses will get payed the same amount each day weather they have the same amount of patients or not. Another thing about nurses pay is they get payed a …show more content…
Some people who have young children that are in school like to work night shift. The reason they enjoy working night shift is because this allows them to work while their kids are asleep. It also allows them to sleep during the day while their children are at school. Some people also may want to work evening shift. These people might want to work this shift because they are working two jobs and this would be their free time but instead they go to work evening shift as a nurse to earn some extra money for their family. Another shift they could work is day shift. This shift would be during the day, this shift would be for being who want to work during the middle of the day and have their evenings and nights off. Another good thing about nursing hours is people can work 12 hour shifts. A good thing about this would be they would work three days in a row then be off four then work four and be off for three days. “Like many medical professionals, nurses work in shifts. Whether they choose 8- or 12-hour increments determines how many days a week they are on site. For nurses who work 12-hour shifts, they end often end up working just three days a week. “ (The 3-Day Workweek & 6 More Marvelous Benefits of Being a Nurse). Working as a nurse allows the workers to be flexible with their time and allows them to do the things they want to

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