Closed Campus Lunch Research Paper

Improved Essays
Should Southwest have closed campus lunch?

Open campus for a lot of years has been students favorite hour of all classes. Every year, open campus gives students ways to buy their own food. Especially, when school lunch isn’t their favorite. Therefore, open campus isn’t all just about lunch, it's an hour where students can choose what they like to eat and where outside of school to fill their stomach and enjoy theirself. Southwest campus lunch shouldn’t be closed because open campus enables students at Southwest to enjoy school. Many may say it’s okay to have a close campus. Today without open campus, imagine how much closed campus can affect students learning when they can’t fill their stomach with splendid food. Southwest lunch cafeteria
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It also helps students make new friends. Closed campus might help bring students to the school store, it might even help save energy by not closing and opening outside doors too much. Mr. Liddicut, my Energy and Society teacher, he had said, “ Every time you close and open a door, energy is always wasted which mean more money is wasted.” He said that because at Southwest High School, in the winter, the school uses a heater to heat up the whole school. In the summer, the school uses air conditioner to keep the school fresh. The hallways, the bathroom, the lunchroom, the gym and all classes are set in different temperature. Every year Southwest uses about thirty thousand dollars worth energy. Because about one third of energy is lost due to opening and closing the doors. For this case, yes, having a close campus might be good and it might be helpful to save energy. But high schools are supposed to be a place where students learn and get educated. Most importantly, student needs their alone time, their free time out of school during lunch to refresh theirself, and relax from school. School start so early in the morning and lunch is so late in the

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