SOCIAL UPDATE: Client informed CM about her SSD & SSA court hearing. She reported her lawyer is working diligently and requested all doctors Rx. She also state next court hearing is scheduled May 24, 2016.
She was sad when she mentioned her biological mother had glaucoma and cataract and she need surgery. Client mentioned …show more content…
at HCC send client to test for Cancer and the result came back negative. She also was tested for osteoporosis and the result was negative. Client new PCP doctor Nemon prescribed the client with Vitamin D to assist the client to gain weighs.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: CM inquires if the client abuses any substance this week. Client replies; No".
MENTAL HEALTH UPDATE: Client is currently participating at NY Psychotherapy Mental Health for individual counselling. Client new psychiatrist doctor is Joe Santiago LMHC.
HOUSING UPDATE: Client is 2010E and housing package need to be update. CM updates client psychosocial evaluation. Once psychosocial evaluation is approved client will meet with Dr. Shuster who is on vacation for an update psychiatric evaluation.
CM reiterates the shelter rule and regulation and client must adhere to the shelter rule and regulation and 10pm curfew.
WORKER ASSESSMENT: CM observed that the client continues to appear older than her stage age. Today she appears to be happy and content. Client continues to show sign of decompensation. She also reported no uncontrolled seizure disorder. Client will need to be in a supervised SRO or HHA after