The industrialization had signifcantly aFected the practice o± economic, social, and political virtue and the unequal distribution o± economic wealth and social opportunity. They ±ought against the idea that government had no role to play in regulating economic virtue or protecting workers in a capitalist system. They created union to help with the working conditions and brought ±ocus on child…
The industrial revolution completely reinvented the factory community. The reason that the industrial revolution was started was to make factories produce more income and a greater variety of products. They did this by making production faster, crowding more people in a workspace, and paying them close to nothing. While the Industrial revolution had some positive effects, it also had many negative effects resulting with problems we are dealing with still today. Some of the positive effects of the industrial revolution include a higher standard of living, greater variety of products, as well as faster production.…
The benefits of the industrialization in America were ideas of having multifarious modes of commuting and being able to have a better and cheaper way of getting around. Negatives of industrialization were more focused on the change in the workplace for many people. The conditions of having children and woman working in factories and not being able to have the freedom they desired and not living life as they pleased, restricted enjoyments of life. Children weren’t allowed to have free time nor were they able to go to school due to being assigned to only working in the factories. These changes allowed America to alter what was need to be changed and accept the things that needed to be accepted.…
According to Stephen Gardiner , "The Industrial Revolution was another of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilization." This refers to how in a whole the Industrialization was a good thing. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of pollution and child labor, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization's positive effects were child labor laws, new inventions and especially the concept of mass production. One of the most influential and long lasting effects were the development of child labor laws.…
I personally think that the industrial revolution had a positive affect. The reason I think the industrial revolution had a positive effect because it stop lot’s of bad thing, that did for money. Like worker over work and get paid every little. Businessman hierar kid so they did not had to pay them a lot money, like they did with the adult.…
The Industrial Revolution that began in England in the eighteenth century was a major turning point for people around the globe. During the Industrial Revolution, there were many significant inventions and changes that affected people both positively and negatively. Some of the drawbacks and improvements during that period of time were textile machines, bridgewater canals, factories, turnpikes, steam locomotives, agriculture to urbanization, communication tools, incandescent lamp, and more. Even though there were both positive and negative outcomes of the Industrial Revolution, the positive effects were actually more significant. Just like many other events in the history, the Industrial Revolution brought many pros and cons to people’s lives,…
While some might argue that the Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society, it was actually a positive thing for society. Children got laws to not work unless they were an adult, more jobs started to come and, better sources of food and nutrition started to happen. Transportation became more efficient as many new inventions started to being made. Industrialization’s positive effects were more jobs, More inventions, and more efficient transportation. One of the primarily positive reasons of Industrialization is the creation of jobs.…
In the late 1700’s, the Industrial Revolution brought a wide variety of effects, both positive and negative, on the economic and industrial growth in society. There were many positive effects, such as faster and cheaper transportation, many job opportunities, new methods and inventions, a strong economy and capital, medical advances, etc. Unfortunately, there were an ample amount of negative effects as well. Things such as harsh working and living conditions, child labor which caused a deformity in many children’s bodies and health, diseases spread, air pollution, poor salaries, no health care, overcrowded cities, black lungs, and families not even getting to know each other. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive…
The United States of America was starting a new era, the Industrial Age. Along with this came many positives, but also many negatives. The industrial age brought new technology that made it possible to produce more goods, even faster than before. It helped increase the amount of resources in the U.S. and it helped form laws that impact today's society.…
The Industrial Revolution has been primarily just to make fixes to problems that the country had and turned out to work for the most part. Nevertheless in the process of the Industrial Revolution started out producing a lot of problems than trying to fix problems. The Industrial Revolution was wanted to be used as a tool to get rid of all the problems with the country at the time. To sum this all up, the Industrial Revolution seemed like a great idea at first and may have solved many problems, but it made a lot of problems in the process, and that’s why I personally think that the Industrial Revolution had a more negative effect on people when it was first introduced. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences…
Industrial Revolution Argumentative Essay Throughout the Industrial Revolution there were many benefits as industrialization increased the standard of living and the opportunities of most americans, but with many improvements that came to america also came forward a handful of problems. As the wealthy improved there way of living there was no room for the middle class to expand and improve. Social Darwinism, which meant survival of the fittest, in order to survive you must be ruthless. This philosophical theory gave the poor no chance of improvement, until the progressive era.…
But the workers were not the only ones with problems there were unemployed people and people fighting wars. The industrial revolution affected the workers in a negative way. This was bad for the Americans because it also drew the line between poor and rich. People like Edwin L Drake and John D Rockefeller are finding oil and starting the big business that are overtaking the little businesses and giving the workers less and less money for how much they work. Then in 1880 the US steel production goes up to 1,400,000 tons Emily and so more workers are working harder and harder to produce for the big businesses.…
As for this time period they had so many issues and without the Political powers we would still be in those issues. With people like Theodore, Woodrow and also Taft they brought about trust bust regulations that helped us in a time of need and also took care of some corruption but over all i 'd say that I would tend to agree with the actions but some I may not. We have many more problems that will be discussed on a later date for now id like to discuss the Political bosses, The effects that industrialization at the turn of the century had and also the statement provided above on the progressive era. My position on this statement would be the factoring on how it is presented to the bad situations.…
During the late 19th to early 20th century, the United States made a transition from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. The new inventions and methods increased the efficiency of production also created many job opportunities. However, the labor workers were exploited, women were mistreated and industrialization led to overcrowding cities. The growth of the industrial economy had many impacts on society. Although the economy was distinctly benefitted by industrialization, this did not come without a cost.…
The Industrial Revolution wasn’t actually wasn’t as wonderful as some might think. The Industrial Revolution in the late 1700’s to the late 1800’s was where industrialization spread and many new inventions were created. While some might argue that industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because the standard of living improved, financial opportunities were created, and a plethora of inventions were created, but it actually was a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were deplorable working conditions for low pay, poor relationships between families, and an abundance of child labor.…