Industrial Revolution Dbq

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Industrial Revolution Argumentative Essay
Throughout the Industrial Revolution there were many benefits as industrialization increased the standard of living and the opportunities of most americans, but with many improvements that came to america also came forward a handful of problems. As the wealthy improved there way of living there was no room for the middle class to expand and improve. Social Darwinism, which meant survival of the fittest, in order to survive you must be ruthless. This philosophical theory gave the poor no chance of improvement, until the progressive era. Progressivism brought forward the idea of safer working conditions, improvement of living conditions for immigrants, both old immigrants and new immigrants, in tenements, the improvement of female equality, and the prohibition of child exploitation.
Now working conditions were horrible and unsafe. Workers would be exploited and put to work for countless hours and for a couple of cents on the dollar earned a day, by the end of the day workers would be fatigued which would make working conditions unsafe. Then having to come back to work a few hours later. The Triangle
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Children would be put to work at a young age and could be as smallest as the age of ten. Children would be put to work being exploited for countless hours in coal mines, in garment factories, sweatshops, etc. They were put in dangerous working environments and were at risk of getting severely hurt. Not only was the fact that children working was dangerous but it also meant that the children would not be able to go to school and get an education for themselves. So reformers got together and planned on taking action about the issue. “These reformers were successful in convincing most states to pass factory inspection laws, workers comp, and minimum age of employment laws.”

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