One of the primarily positive reasons of Industrialization is the creation of jobs.Child labor was one of the many things to get changed in the Industrial Revolution. Children either wanted to do a job’s or they didn’t want any part in it. The first piece of evidence by Mary Paul states, “I think that the factory is the best place for me” (document 1). and “if any girl wants employment, I advise them to come to Lowell” (document 1). It’s starting to show that young girls/women are getting more respect and more money. The pay got better when people did jobs and unless a child was at the age of 18 they couldn’t work. The second piece of …show more content…
My first piece of evidence is, “the Encarta showed a visual of automobiles being made.” (document #4) We have cars now but back then they had cars but it took them awhile to make them. Making cars is not easy, people demand cars. My second piece of evidence is, “That railroads travel quicker” (document #5) and “that traveling only took about six days instead of months.” (document #5) Railroad was a miracle for many people back then. Traveling was a gift back then cause you didn't get to see your family that much. My last piece of evidence is, “houses are built better” (document #9) and “..infinity number of domestic utensils.” (document #9) Tools were needed back then so having many tools were good. Houses weren't built great back then so having them better was