Construction of cotton factories gave workers jobs, but the working conditions of the factories were not very favorable. According to John Brown “He heard the bones of her arms, legs and thighs successively snap asunder. She was carried off lifeless” (Document 2). The obviously dangerous environment the workers reside in has no effect on the factory owners, whereas they are more worried about making a profit from the cotton in the United States. Frank Forrest recites “ The clocks in the factories were often put forward in the morning and back at night. We were afraid to speak, and a workman then was afraid to carry a watch” (Document 3) Furthermore, Factory owners abused their power to force overtime. William Dodd proclaims "I began to feel some painful symptoms in my right wrist, arising from the general weakness of my joins, brought in the factories" (Document 3). Therefore, the pain William Dodd possesses from working in the factory represents the agony upon the workers that the factory has. Another aspect that makes working in a cotton factory hard and unbearable is pollution. Pollution affected the environment that the workers were in because it made the atmosphere hard to breathe in. Dr ward states “If we take into account the heated temperature and contamination of the air, its astonishment to my mind, how the people can bear the confinement for such a long time” (Document 1). Therefore, although the workers are in a life threatening environment over half of each day, they are forced to adapt and risk their lives to make the factory owners money. William Dodd states “One great cause of ill health to the operatives in factories is the dust and lime which is continually flying around. The machine, and all around, are covered with the lime and dust. The result is difficulty of breathing, asthma etc” (Document 4). The chemical outcome of the dust and lime in the air as claimed by William Dodd shows a obstacle the workers have to take to be able to work sufficiently although they have to fight the possible diseases the may gain. In addition to the dangerous conditions of the work environment, children are forced to work in it also. In the Political Register, William Cobbett …show more content…
The Industrial Revolution was the result of the creation of machines used to produce and create goods easier and faster. These quicker and easier machines forced men, women and children to move to the city and engage in manual labor, work for others and live in unhealthy, harsh conditions. Other results of the Industrial Revolution was population growth due to the urbanization of many farmers. There were also poor living conditions and increased wealth for the middle class factory owners Results also included pollution and mass produced goods due to the increased amount of machines and